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01 intro

I know how to jump through hoops. I’ve received all A’s honor roll every year of my life, taken every single AP class available for my schedule, and maximized every academic offering on the Honors pathway. And I honestly love what I do. It’s made me who I am today- a lifelong student with a quest to learn. To grow. To develop a better understanding, to reach a more complex comprehension and therefore appreciation. And that’s why I’ve always loved the hoops.

But, there’s always been a part of me that wants to take control. To create an environment that is cultivated purely through me- one that begins in my mind and moving hands, allowing me to settle into this habitat of space full of radical expression and feeling. And for me, that process mainly comes through art.

Now this maximizes learning in all directions. Those pre-determined hoops of simple life are no longer my standard; when I’m given a pen, a spray paint bottle, an acrylic paintbrush- I’m ready to design my own challenges. I can find and synthesize wide-ranging ideas and emotions, feel a sense of purpose in the strokes, and taste the bright colors in the air around me. I’ve fallen in love with art because I can create an environment that builds on creative expression, allowing me to explore method, mode, and medium- unleashing the beautifully imperfect parts of visual algorithms and aesthetics to interpret, capture, and communicate data and ideas in a way that is uniquely my own. 

Within many of my pieces, you will find mixtures of varying depths of emotion and awareness. The artistic cognitive processing of life explodes on canvas - the simplest of which (a paper napkin, discarded Amazon cardboard, etc.) I utilize to establish and reinforce patterns of expression that inhabit my life.


02 portfolio overview


04 contact

Tel: 812-343-5764

Houston, TX 77345

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